

About me

Hi, I'm Phong, better known online as HarutoHiroki. I'm a freelance Full-Stack Developer with deep passion and love for Virtual Reality and Music. I have over 6 years of coding experience, mainly specializing in Back-end development. In recent years, I've developed an interest in the Front-end world, resulting in the creation of this website and me going Full-Stack. This website will be a continuous work in progress, a project close to my heart, where I show my expertise in both back-end and front-end development.

My Skills

My toolkit is diverse, encompassing languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and Java. I leverage these in various projects, using tools like Visual Studio Code, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services to bring ideas to life. I also have experience with microcontrollers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP32.


I Love Programming and the unique satisfaction of successfully debugging code. I also have a deep-rooted love for Music, from Classical and Orchestral to J-Pop and Original Game Soundtracks. I'm also interested in the immersive realm of Virtual Reality, where I explore both the technology behind VR and the mesmerizing experiences it creates.



> Haruto's Graph Tool, my version of the CrinGraph public repository, customized for the real-time comparison and creation of equalization profiles for headphones and in-ear monitors.

> Haruto's Graph Extension, a Manifest V2 browser extension that enables the usage of any supported GraphTool's expansive EQ function on any website with a single click.


> Paper++, a program that converts user-submitted, handwritten code to correctly formatted and prettified Java files, running them and returning the output.

> Cryptonix X, a multi-purpose Moderation, Utility, and Image Generation Discord bot, written in JavaScript using the Discord.js library.

> alexflipnote.js, a lightweight and user-friendly JavaScript wrapper for the Image Generation API by AlexFlipnote.

> Discord.js Bot, a project designed to assist beginners in coding Discord.js bots.
